Milford mental health Drop-in
Service Spotlight
Did you know we’re now in Milford Haven once a week?
Our latest service spotlight is here to give you a bit more in-depth information about
what we do &
how we may be able to help you, your friends, or your family.
We really hope you find this helpful!
If you have a question about the service that we haven’t answered, just message us and we’ll get back to you.
We caught up with Karina (pictured – hi Karina!) who facilitates the sessions in Milford to find out the answers to a few questions we’ve been asked recently.
Karina who facilitates the Milford Group :)
Where are you?
Our drop-in is at Hakin and Hubberston Community Centre
10am-12noon every Tuesday.
Find us in the coffee shop, which we’ve booked out.
It’s a medium sized room and usually we’re a small group of 3-6 people.
Is there parking?
Yes, free parking less than a minute away.
What do you do?
For some it’s a chance to meet new people, for others, it’s more about talking through issues and developing a plan to problem solve. Some people find a combination of the two helpful – whatever works best for you 😊
Who will I meet?
You’ll meet our lovely Karina who has worked with us for 20 years. Not only is she incredibly experienced in mental health support but she also has lots of experience with tenancy issues, benefits and more. We have a direct link to Citizens Advice Pembrokeshire so for complex financial issues like debt, benefit appeals and budgeting we can refer you straight on.
I don’t need help with my mental health but I would like some financial support, can you help?
We can refer you directly to Citizens Advice Pembrokeshire.
Do I have to share my problems?
That’s up to you, sharing helps some people, others prefer distraction.
What if I want to talk privately?
If you have something you’d like to talk about privately then we have a private room.
Do I need to pay anything?
All our services are free! 😊